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The Morning After Pill
How does it work?
Depending on what brand you use, a set number of pills need to be taken within the first 72 hours, followed by more pills 12 hours later.{3} According to where you are in your menstrual cycle, the pill could affect you in three different ways:
1. Ovulation will be prevented if you haven’t already started ovulating (the egg will not be released to meet the sperm.)
2. Your normal menstrual cycle will be altered, delaying ovulation (the release of the egg from the ovary.)
3. If the egg has already been released, the lining of the uterus will become irritated, and this irritation will interfere with the ability of the fertilized egg to implant in your uterus. (Your body will reject the baby, and he/she will die.) {3}
Are there health risks?
YES, there are both short-term and long-term side effects to taking the Morning After Pill.
Short-term side effects may include:
1. Nausea and vomiting
2. Irregular and unpredictable menstrual periods
3. Tender breasts
4. Blood Clots
Long-term side effects may include:
1. Ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube)
2. Infertility
—– Infertility can also be caused by certain STDs. It is important to remember that the Morning After Pill does not protect you from STDs.{4}
3. While there are no long-term studies to show whether women will be permanently damaged by the Morning After Pill, women who take the Morning After Pill do put themselves at risk for such diseases as cancer from the chemicals being given in such high doses.{5}
It wouldn’t be like I was getting an abortion…right?
Wrong! if an egg has been fertilized (conception), and you take the pill, the pill will work to prevent the egg from implanting in your uterine wall. If this happens, an abortion will occur, because the egg has already been fertilized. The fertilization of an egg can occur as early as 15 minutes after intercourse. {6} The fertilized egg contains all 46 chromosomes. These chromosomes are a complex genetic design that will determine the hair, sex, eye color, skin tone, and height of a child. {7}
If the Morning After Pill is taken after the egg is fertilized, the egg may not be able to implant because of the effects the hormones in the Pill have on the uterine wall. If these are the circumstances inside your body when you take the Morning After Pill, the Pill is “not contraceptive; it’s a very, very early abortifacient drug.” {8}
3. CARENET “Emergency Contraceptive – Three Methods,” 2000
4. Ibid
5. http:\\www.morningafterpill.org/mapinfo1.htm
6. D.C.R., “The Best Kept (ugly little) Secret in America,” The Post-Abortive Review, Sept.-Dec. 1998, 3.
7. “The First Nine Months,” Focus on the Family LF177,3.
8. Ibid
To get your own copy of this information, stop by the office and get the Focus on The Family leaflet “The Truth About Emergency Contraception” F00341T