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Abortion is not an easy answer...
It may seem so at the time, but there may be short-term and long-term effects.
In Ohio, girls under 18 have to have a parent’s signature to get an abortion. There are laws that can protect the mother if she is being forced into an abortion.
1. Do I believe this is a living human inside of me?
2. Am I being pressured into having abortion?
3. How will I feel afterwards?
4. Can I live with regret or loss?
5. What is the purpose for this child’s life? (could they be here to cure cancer)
6. Is it worth making a choice to just make a boyfriend happy and do you think that will make him stay with you?
7. Are you prepared if things go wrong, that you may never be able to have children?
8. If you feel you can’t raise this child have you considered adoption? Many adoption plans let you be a part of the child’s life.
9. Who am I thinking about when I am thinking about having an abortion?
10. How wilI I feel in the future when I have other children?
​Short-term and Long-term Effects of Abortion
Some women may never experience any of these effects listed. If you already have some of these issues, an abortion could make them worse. Some women may not have any effect until 2 -20 years after their abortion.
Women who abort a baby have a six times higher rate of suicide than those who carry a baby full term.
An abortion is removing the baby from the mother’s body. This is done a number of different ways:
1. The Abortion Pill – RU-486 – This pill blocks the hormone progesterone which is needed to maintain the lining of the uterus and provides oxygen and nutrients the baby needs. Without it the baby dies. By taking this pill and Cytotec which is taken two days later, it causes uterine bleeding (sometimes profuse), strong contractions, and expulsion of the baby.
2. Vacuum Aspiration – This is done during the first trimester. The uterus is emptied by either a manual syringe or a high powered suction machine.
3. Dilation and Suction Curettage – This is done usually after 14 weeks. The doctor will use a steel knife to cut up the baby so it can be removed.
4. Dilation and Evacuation – The cervix is dilated. Since the bones have calcified, the Doctor will use forceps to break the baby’s bones so that it can come through the cervix.
5. Induction and Prostaglandin Abortion – This is performed during the second and third trimester. Labor is induced and the cervix is dilated. Steps are taken to make sure the baby is dead before it is delivered.
6. Dilation and Extraction – The mother undergoes two days of dilation. The doctor has to use his hands to grab one or two of the baby’s legs and pulls it out. Since the brain and skull are large, they are crushed and suctioned out.
Possible Physical Issues
Perforation of the uterus, Hemorrhaging, Cardiac arrest, Endotoxic shock, Infection, Cervical laceration, Infertility, Stillbirths later in life, Miscarriage with other pregnancies
Possible Emotional and Psychological Issues
Bouts of crying, Depression, Guilt, Intense Grief, Anger, Emotional numbness, Sexual problems, Eating disorders, Lowered self-esteem, Drug and alcohol abuse, Nightmares, Difficulty with relationships, Anxiety or panic attacks, Flashbacks, Multiple abortions, Discomfort around babies, Fear/ambivalence of pregnancy
If you have had an abortion and need help dealing with that choice, contact us. We have resources available to help you. We still care about you and want to help you.